Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Influence of Television

Do you think that people are watching too much TV? What happens when people watch too much TV? Heavy Tv viewers get five symptoms that affect their daily life routines:

1.) When people get stressed, they use TV to calm or sooth them

2.) They feel like they have a loss of control as they are watching TV

3.) They get angry at themselves when they watch too much TV

4.) They get addicted to TV, and aren't able to help themselves, so instead they watch TV

5.) When TV watchers don't watch TV, or aren't allowed to watch TV, they feel miserable and aren't in a good mood.

Did you know that the average child will watch 8,000 murders on TV before finishing elementary school? By the age of eighteen, the average American has seen at least 200,000 acts of violence on TV, which includes 40,000 murders. Not only does TV have a violent and emotional effect, many people say that TV is also a reason for the high percentage of obese people in America. A 1991 study showed that there is an average of 200 junk food ads in four hours of children's saturday morning cartoon shows. Children aren't the only people that get affected by TV. Studies have shown that one-third of American adults are also overweight. According to an American Journal of Public Health study, an adult who watches three hours of TV is far more likely to be obese then a person that watches one hour of TV. What do you think that people can do to become healthier? Is TV a big affect of the percentage of obese people in this country?


Lori A. said...

Jess, Your statistics on the average hours spent watching TV as well as the number of violent acts that are viewed on TV (by both adults and children) is frightening! How can anyone possibly sit and watch TV for over 20 hours per week? I suppose that children whose parents allow them to watch that much TV can't be blamed, the parents really should monitor their time more closely. Combining the amount of TV watched by children along with the amount of time they spend on computers and also playing video games does not leave them much time for exercise! No wonder there is such a health problem in this country. You've done a lot of work researching the history of TV, very interesting information! I wonder how many hours, on average, your classmates spend watching TV?

Laura G said...

These are such shocking statistics! Who knew people were so affected by TV. Its amazing how kids are influenced by TV, and how it affects their everyday life.

Abby said...

Jessica these statistics are almost unreal! I never knew that TV was that much of an influence in people's lives. Who knew that children watch 8,000 murders before finishing elementary school! That's ridiculous. Based on all of these facts it seems to be that TV really does no good for people. What do you think? Do you think that TV has any benefits? I believe that people should stop watching so much TV and instead get up and do some exercise because sitting around just watching TV is contributing greatly to obesity!

DTH recharge online said...

Nice blog and useful info.. Thanks for sharing..